Field Trial: Food and Raffle Donations needed

Food and Raffle donations needed for our Fall Horseback Field Trial at Tri-Valley Wildlife Area in Dresden, Ohio on September 30 – October 1, 2017.

We are needing lunch items like soup and cookies, dinner items of appetizers or desserts and raffle items.

Please email Laurie Brown at [email protected] and let her know what you can bring.

Thanks for all your help.


Fall Horseback Field Trial Sept 30th – October 1, 2017

The GSPCO invites you to attend our Fall Horseback Field Trial at the Tri-Valley Wildlife Area in Dresden, Ohio on September 30 – October 1, 2017.

CLOSING DATE TO SUBMIT ENTRIES IS Tuesday September 26, 2017!
All entries must be completed in full and received, with payment enclosed, by 7:00 pm (ET)
Make checks payable to: GSPCO.

Email entries will be accepted, but payment must be received prior to the drawing! If your payment has not been received, you will not be drawn.

Camping: The facilities at these grounds are now equipped with electricity , however, there are NO electric hookups available for camping rigs. Generators will be needed! Water available for dogs and horses. Please bring your own drinking water.

GSPCO is responsible for removing all trash from the grounds after our trial. Therefore, it is your responsibility to remove your garbage from the Field Trial Grounds – DO NOT leave your trash in the trash barrels on the grounds. Please take it home with you. Thanks for your cooperation on this policy.

It is participants’ obligation to leave occupied areas in the same condition as it was upon their arrival. Any discrepancies must be brought to the attention of the GSPCO FT committee as soon as possible. Should any participant be in violation of this policy, they agree to pay $20 to the GSPCO, which will be applied to grounds clean up and maintenance. By signing the entry form, all participants agree to this policy.

All participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Ohio (GSPCO) and its officers from and against any claims arising out of any and all personal injuries, property damage, other losses, or expenses incurred, suffered, or sustained by any person or entity, during, or in connection with, activities held on the dates stated with the GSPCO. By signing the entry form, all participants agree to this policy.

A Light Breakfast and Lunch will be available on the grounds daily. Happy Hour, raffle and dinner on Saturday night.

Jennifer Sheehan, FT Secretary: Cell Phone: 330-607-1064
Robert Reynolds, FT Chairman; Cell Phone: 330-718-2100

For all Emergencies Dial 911. Emergency Disaster Plan Procedures will be posted in the Clubhouse.

Directions to the Field Trial, Listing of Hotels, and a copy of the Disaster Plan have been included with your premium.

Rooms are available at hotels in Zanesville or Coshocton. Remember there is a 48-hour cancellation notice or you will be charged for your room.

Please remember to follow all posted rules and regulations on the grounds.
The GSPCO appreciates your cooperation in complying with these policies.
Entry form for Sept 29- Oct1, 2017 Field Trial

Sept 2nd & 3rd, 2017 Walking Trial

Deadline coming soon, Monday August 28, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.  Get your entries in for the Walking Trial.

Come join us as we kick off the Fall field trial season with our 2 day walking trial this coming Labor Day weekend, Saturday and Sunday September 2nd and 3rd. The trial will be held at the Oakridge Pointing Dog grounds in Harrisville PA.
Come out for the day or spend Friday and Saturday. The grounds allow for dry camping as no water or electric hookups are available. Although water is available for dogs and horses. There are area hotels/motels available, please see the list on our website under events info.
Following Saturday’s events we will gather for social/happy hour followed by a catered dinner, cost is $10.00pp. Our club members are known for their wonderful cooking skills so please feel free to bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
After dinner we will have a raffle to help offset expenses incurred for this weekend so donations of raffle items would be much appreciated. Breakfast and lunch will also be available Saturday and Sunday. If your interested in participating or can help out with food/raffle items please contact:
Cheryl Graves 330-357-9392
Gale Graves 440-821-0934
We look forward to seeing new faces and familiar ones!
Thank you in advance to all who’ve commited their time to help out!
Sincerely, Gale and Cheryl Graves

2017 Spring Horseback Field Trial and Championship

Entry form for April 29-30 Horseback Field Trial Entry form for April 24-28 Championship

Entry form for April 24-28 Championship

Directions Spring Champion & Horseback Trial

The GSPCO invites you to attend our Spring Championship and Weekend Horseback Field Trial at the Tri-Valley Wildlife Area in Dresden, Ohio on April 24 – 30, 2017.

CLOSING DATE TO SUBMIT ENTRIES for both events on Saturday April 22, 2017! 

All entries must be completed in full and received, with payment enclosed, by 5:00 pm (ET)

 Make checks payable to: GSPCO.

Email entries will be accepted, but payment must be received prior to the drawing!   If your payment has not been received, you will not be drawn.

Camping:  The facilities at these grounds are now equipped with electricity, however, there are NO electric hookups available for camping rigs.  Generators will be needed!  Water is available for dogs and horses.  Please bring your own drinking water.

GSPCO is responsible for removing all trash from the grounds after our trial. Therefore, it is your responsibility to remove your garbage from the Field Trial Grounds – DO NOT dump your trash in the trash barrels on the grounds.  Please take it home with you.  Thanks for your cooperation on this policy.

It is participants’ obligation to leave occupied areas in the same condition as it was upon their arrival.  Any discrepancies must be brought to the attention of the GSPCO FT committee as soon as possible.  Should any participant be in violation of this policy, they agree to pay $20 to the GSPCO, which will be applied to grounds clean up and maintenance.  By signing the entry form, all participants agree to this policy.

All participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Ohio (GSPCO) and it’s officers from and against any claims arising out of any and all personal injuries, property damage, other losses, or expenses incurred, suffered, or sustained by any person or entity, during, or in connection with, activities held on the dates stated with the GSPCO.  By signing the entry form, all participants agree to this policy.

A Light Breakfast and Lunch will be available on the grounds daily. Dinner will be catered on Saturday night.

Jennifer Sheehan, FT Secretary:                                Cell Phone:  330-607-1064 Robert Reynolds, FT Chairman;                                 Cell Phone:  330-718-2100

For all Emergencies: Dial 911.  Emergency Disaster Plan Procedures will be posted in the Clubhouse. 

Instructions to the Field Trial, Listing of Hotels, and a copy of the Disaster Plan have been included with your premium.

Rooms are available at hotels in Zanesville or Coshocton.  Remember there is a 48 hour cancellation notice or you will be charged for your room.

Thank you to Purina for their continued generous support to our club.  Also, thank you to all of the people who donated food, raffle items, and their time helping out at the Spring Field Trial.

Please remember to follow all posted rules and regulations on the grounds.

The GSPCO appreciates your cooperation in complying with these policies.