Thanks from the Hunt Test Committee

We would like to thank all who worked so hard to make this Hunt Test a great success..

The weather was very wet. The conditions unfavorable the people were GREAT. We had 66 entries, 2 Master Hunters Finished, 6 Junior Hunters Finished. And plenty of ribbons were earned. There was a lot of great food a good raffle and fun for all dogs and handlers.

A big shout out to Michael & Tammy Thompson of Butler Pennsylvania  for introducing the GSPCO to their Project Upland Therapy and bringing special needs young people out to handle their dogs. What a wonderful time they had and such a joy for everyone else!

Dennis Meinke with Donner who is a new Junior Handler with Rosey




2018 Walking Trial – Thank You

“Thank You” to all who came out to support the GSPCO’S Walking Trial held Labor Day weekend. It was a very warm weekend but a successful one. I would like to especially thank Russ and Diane Roth, Scott and Anne Weslow, Brian and Eileen Smith, Dennis and Sherry Meinke, Paul and Kathy Gall, John Costanzo, Neal Bly and Bob Reynolds for all of the wonderful appetizers, desserts, raffle donations, bird planting, kitchen help and all of the support you each provided when needed. We have great club members who put their hearts and energy into making each event a successful one and for that We are thankful!

Gale and Cheryl Graves



Save The Date August 4, 2018 GSPCO Annual Picnic & Training Day

4323 St. Rt. 534, Hartsgrove, OH
The club will be holding its Annual Picnic & Training Day on Saturday, August 4th starting around 10:00 am until late afternoon. Come on out for a fun day of visiting with fellow members and working with your dogs & puppies. There will be a potluck cookout and a short meeting (bring a dish or dessert to share) the club will provide the hot dogs, sausages and hamburgers). Come for the day or for a couple of hours. This day is open to club members and guests. You can do or learn about field work, hunt tests, retrieving, agility, water retrieves, nose work or whatever you want to work on or just visit. Club members will be available to assist with whatever you need. Birds will be available for purchase. Please contact Dennis Meinke for more information (724-662-5682 or 440-413-3100). This event has been a big success for many years so come on out and enjoy the day.
The Crooked Creek Conservation Club is located at 4323 State Route 534 in Hartsgrove, OH, which is 2 miles North of Hartsgrove Square (the intersection of State Route 6 and State Route 534.)
Mark your calendars and we hope to see you at the Picnic.
Please respond to this email if you plan to attend so we can properly plan for food and birds.

Hunt Test May 5th & 6th, 2018

Time to get your entries in for the Dual Hunt Test
GSPCO & Oak Ridge Pointing Dog Club are again hosting
the Annual Dual Spring Hunt Test in Harrisville Pa., this
is a great opportunity to run your dog twice in each club.
Looking for help, salads and deserts also
needed donations for our booze raffle

This is a great event come out support your club!

HT MAY 5&6th 2018 GSPCO