Category Archives: News
FT Meeting CHANGED! Sat 6pm
Meeting date and time has change to SATURDAY JANUARY 12 at 6:00PM
Our spring horse back trial will follow the Ohio Championship and will run April 26th -28th, 2013 at Tri-Valley. Since it is almost the first of the year, that doesn’t give us much time to get ready.
Doc Reynolds has offered the use of his house on January 11 6:00pm Please invite anyone that you know who wants to help. Pizza will be provided.
- Field Trial Chairman
- Field Trial Committee: 5 volunteers that will remain at the grounds until everything is cleaned up, packed up and a thorough check of the grounds has been done.
- Stakes: What stakes are we offering? What course are we using for each stake? Order of the stakes?
- Birds: options for suppliers, and who wants to take care of reserving birds and pick-up
- Judges:
- Gunners
- Bird Planters
- Horses
- Marshall
- Awards: rosettes and/or trophies/plaques
- Kitchen: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner ideas
Thanks and I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!
-Chris Young
Spring 2013 GSPCO FT Meeting
I hope everyone had a great Holiday and your plans for the upcoming New Year are well underway!
Our spring horse back trial will follow the Ohio Championship and will run April 26th -28th, 2013 at Tri-Valley. Since it is almost the first of the year, that doesn’t give us much time to get ready.
Doctor Reynolds has offered the use of his house on January 12 at 2:00PM. Please invite anyone that you know who wants to help. If you plan on attending, please bring a covered dish.
- Field Trial Chairman
- Field Trial Committee: 5 volunteers that will remain at the grounds until everything is cleaned up, packed up and a thorough check of the grounds has been done.
- Stakes: What stakes are we offering? What course are we using for each stake? Order of the stakes?
- Birds: options for suppliers, and who wants to take care of reserving birds and pick-up
- Judges:
- Gunners
- Bird Planters
- Horses
- Marshall
- Awards: rosettes and/or trophies/plaques
- Kitchen: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner ideas
Thanks and I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!
-Chris Young
Field Trial Raffle Request
Wanted: Raffle Items!
Our fall field trial is quickly approaching (Septmeber 28-30), and we need your help in order to make it a success! Please consider donating a gift card, service, or any type of goods to our Saturday evening raffle. Each donation helps make the evening a success!
Please contact Amy Reynolds
And let her know what you can bring.
Thank you in advance!
now available!
Raffle Items Requested.
Hunt Test Raffle Items Requested. Please see the list in the file linked below.
Raffle items can be brought to the September meeting, to the hunt test (9/29-9/30), or sent to my home. Please let me know ahead of time what you will be donating.
Thank you in advance.
Hunt Test Premiums and Flier
May 11-12, 2013
Wayne County Coon Hunters Club
Wooster, OH
Click the blue words and a .pdf file will open. Please do not hesitate to contact the event chair if you have any issues with these files or have any questions:
Cheryl Knight 440-220-2054 [email protected]
GSPCO Training Day This Saturday
Hello everyone,
Just a reminder that this Saturday is the annual training day At Crooked Creek in Hartsgrove, OH
Click here to view the flier with all the information
Hope to see many of you there.
July 2012 Newsletter Now Available!
May 2012 Newsletter is Now Available!
Short and to the Point May/June 2012
Volunteers needed for upcoming events.